Choosing 2015 Christmas Hamper

Hampers and Gift Baskets for sharing Christmas with Family
Swoon over our Luxury Hampers
My preferred choice is for a gourmet gift hamper - made specially to order by locals who know the foodie selections to get it just right.  Now, a big thing with Christmas Hampers is that they are not all created equally - most are mass produced in factories and packed by wage slaves with no connection to the product, process or province.

Be careful - that's why a small business operating out of the Hunter Valley  has been so successful over the years - since being established in 1988.

Best thing for choosing a gift hamper is top make sure that the hamper is put together bespoke - so you can actually get to have a say in what ingredients comprise the Gourmet hamper, as well as seeing that it is fresh.  This way, you get the most recent stock produced and not something that has been prepared sometimes months in advance.

Why Gift Cards Suck

You swore you would never again participate in a gift card swap - only to find yourself waiting in line at some shop you would never have otherwise visited, having to top up the price of some stuff you wouldn't have normally bought.  Thanks to family!

Luxury Handmade Baskets for Xmas family delivery
Gourmet Indulgence 
That's the trouble with gift cards - they are never enough and always leave you with that deep feeling of lack.  like you were invited to the show but only got through to the first half and you have to pay more to see it through to the end.

Something Different for Christmas 

Never Again!  You might remember promising yourself, as you packed away the Christmas Tree and vacuumed tinsel scatterings. Never again would you buy something you didn't want to give to someone who didn't need it.  Never again would you sit through that long afternoon of stilted grunts and cliche talk with the nephews who still can't express themselves clearly at 34 years old.

Christmas - it's a time of joy to celebrate endings and conclusions of the year - but why the heck we choose to ruin it with extended periods meeting with people we don't really like  - what is with that?  Here's my take on Christmas and getting things right in the gift department so you feel light and joyous - not resentful and abused.

Luxury Corporate Executive hampers for delivery
Fresh Fruit Hampers for Christmas

Simple Gift Ideas

Never again would you go out of your way to buy some out of the way gift for someone who also wasn't prepared to go out of the way to use the it - and just re-gifted it instead.  I've done this too many times.  It's easier to just make a solid gift selection from the beginning and stick with it year after year.

One of the most overwhelming facets of Christmas is the whole gift buying experience - which leaves many of us feeling deflated, exhausted and dirty from the over-commercialisation of the experience.  Giving should be about giving - not feeling anxious and dreading the next credit card statement.