Fruit Basket Lake Macquarie: Send a Fruit Basket for Delivery

Fruit Basket Lake Macquarie: Send a Fruit Basket for Delivery


  1. Most people know that fruit and vegies are good
    for you. It’s recommended you eat at least 2 serves
    of fruit and 5 serves of vegies every day, meet us online below.

  2. Please drop by the business and information guide - we are long standing supporters of Fruit Hampers and Gift Baskets - they make a real difference to peoples' lives.

  3. One of the great challenges confronting the healthcare system in the 21st century is inequality.

    Ordering a Fruit Hamper.

    International evidence, such as that in the recently published Marmot review of health inequalities in Britain, shows there is now no doubt that lack of equality is a crucial factor in producing poor health.

  4. Send a "Get Well Message" to a patient at Newcastle, Maitland or Lake Macquarie Private University Hospital.

    Get Well Fruit Baskets.

    The Office of Volunteer Services and Office of Events will deliver your message to the patient.


Call 1300 284 684 for Delivery,